


go pro on your cheese knives!

Gustav and I often get asked which knives are best to use for cutting different types of cheeses. Gustav’s answer is, obviously, that you don´t need knives at all and just use your fangs—but mine naturally is not quite as simple.

So what is the basic must-have equipment to properly cut our friends without harm to us or them?

notes from the cheesy roads – the Holy Prosecco Land

Last fall for a long weekend we drove to the Veneto, namely into the area of Conegliano. Our main focus, I have to admit was to stack up on as many bottles of Prosecco as Signor Rossi can carry but Gustav wouldn´t be *team formaggiastic* if he wouldn´t have pointed out some cheese hot spots for us.

So here, an excursion for mind and heart and a short idea post for your future travels; two cheese places we went to and happily recommend for your next trip to “Prosecco Land”.

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