


go pro on your cheese knives!

Gustav and I often get asked which knives are best to use for cutting different types of cheeses. Gustav’s answer is, obviously, that you don´t need knives at all and just use your fangs—but mine naturally is not quite as simple.

So what is the basic must-have equipment to properly cut our friends without harm to us or them?

Robiola di Roccaverano DOP -don´t mess with Rocky Balboa

With cheese it is sometimes like with good, old friends. You haven’t seen them in forever and all of a sudden your paths cross and it seems like no time has passed. You still can laugh and talk all night and realize how much you’ve missed each other.
Kind of a similar thing happened to us with today’s guest. Long time- no see, and boom!;
Ran into him and immediately fell in love again. *Robiola di Roccaverano DOP* from the Piedmont.

RERUN Cheese 2019 – Italy’s holy grail for cheese lovers!

Not everyone of us can go to *Cheese* this year. So for those who have to stay at home, here some memories of cheese 2019. Some things I am sure have changed, others are still the same.
The festival this year will be even bigger with even more interesting events, talks, tastings and makers and mongers to meet.
Enjoy the read and let´s meet up @cheese 2023 for new experiences and finds!
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