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Formaggio in Villa 2024 – let it cheese!

formaggio in villa 2024

Last Monday ended the 12th edition of *Formaggio in Villa*, which takes place in the entirely (!) walled city center of charming Cittadella, a medieval town just a stone throw away from Padua in Italy´s Veneto region.

formaggio in villa 2024

4 thrilling days of everything Italian Cheese, *Formaggio in Villa* also offers Salumi, Olive Oil, beer, wine and other Italian delicacies.

formaggio in villa 2024

Why you should go and what to expect

Organized by Guru Communicazione *Formaggio in Villa* is not only one of Italy´s biggest cheese festivals but a guaranteed opportunity to taste Italian cheeses from all over the country, connect with makers, mongers and affineurs and find out yet again new things about our beloved friends.

Alongside the 4 main streets of Cittadella´s medieval center [here to the map of 2024] you will find an almost uncountable number of Cheese Stands where you can just take a stroll, or  – literally – taste and shop until you drop.

formaggio in villa 2024

formaggio in villa 2024


For a deeper jump into the matter you can also attend the so called Masterclasses.
Every day you can attend Masterclasses where producers and professionals give you an insight of their specialties, the making and the history of their cheeseful products and answer all the questions you might have.


formaggio in villa 2024
More over most of those classes also have a selection of wine or sparkles to pair with the topic which,  let´s be honest, is not the worst thing that can happen.

Special Feature -the Semifinals

The peculiar special feature of *Formaggio in Villa* is that it also functions as the cheese makers jumping board into the finals for the Italian Cheese Awards.

formaggio in villa 2024

Prior to the festival Italian Cheese Makers can send in their cheeses, which in 10 categories will go into the race for the best Italian Cheese. From more than 1000+ samples organizers and professionals select around 100 cheeses and you as a visitor have the unique opportunity to serve as a co-judge in the Semifinals.

formaggio in villa 2024

This I can tell you, is a challenging task as tasting yourself through 100+ cheeses ain´t no joke.
It is however also an extraordinary chance to sample different cheeses of different categories and understand and learn a little more about types, looks and structures as well as flavor- and aroma profiles.

Formaggio in Villa 2024 is ‘tempi passati’, but we have good news

If you have missed *Formaggio in Villa 2024* we have good news for you; it´s an annual event and you can already plan your trip for 2025! 
General entrance is free and tickets to the judging for the semifinals can be bought on the spot. Masterclasses and accommodation should however certainly be booked ahead.


Whether you are a cheese geek and want to fill your tummy up to the rim, are of the historical and technical interested type, or maybe just want to breath in the cheese enthusiasm filled atmosphere over a plate of pasta and a glass of wine *Formaggio in Villa* has to offer something for everyone.



BTW – You also still have the opportunity to attend the *Italian Cheese Awards* on November 10th in Ancona where you can witness the crowning of the winners and taste all the finalists on the spot!

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