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notes from the cheesy roads – the Holy Prosecco Land


Last fall for a long weekend we drove to the Veneto, namely into the area of Conegliano. Our main focus, I have to admit was to stack up on as many bottles of Prosecco as Signor Rossi can carry but Gustav wouldn´t be *team formaggiastic* if he wouldn´t have pointed out some cheese hot spots for us.

So here, an excursion for mind and heart and a short idea post for your future travels; two cheese places we went to and happily recommend for your next trip to “Prosecco Land”.

  1. Cheese cooperative *Latteria di Soligo* combines the work of about 200 producing members under one label, all of it with a strong work ethic concerning animal and product.
The little cheese shop that also offers pasta and delicious jarred goodies is situated right between Valdobbiadene and Conegliano.
*Casatella Trevigiana DOP* – pasteurized cow’s milk and aged for 4 to 8 days; our breakfast refreshment by Latteria di Soligo S.A.C. brings out the best in the world of fresh cheeses. Soft with a lactic and slightly acidic touch,
it pampers our palate with the sweet and buttery consistency of an early-bird Creme Caramel. Gustav rates *Casatella Trevigiana DOP* a high 12/10 and votes it his winner on this month’s cheese texture funtasteometer! 🐾🎉

2. *Latteria Perenzin*right outside of Conegliano on the other hand is an award winning cheese forge, that, with a lot of heart, sweat and knowledge creates admirable goat’s milk cheeses as well as cheeses from cow’s and buffalo’s milk. (the latter I (unfortunately only) heard are formidable.]



*Caciottona di capra BIO con pepe ed olio extravergine d’oliva* Made of pasteurized goat’s milk *Caprino* 🐐 ripens for at least 3 months to then greet us with a salty smile of jumpy goat and its light acidity makes you think you can taste the jolliness of animal and vegetation alike. *Caprino’s* coat of Vietnamese pepper corn gets pampered with olive oil and carries a warm fire on his dense, non-adhesive paste that dissolves joyfully into tiny grains on your palate. 😍🧀 Gustav, who rates our holiday prey 13/10, says he loved the prickle of the pepper corns in his nose and that the sneezing came super natural … 😇🐾🐺
*Latteria Perenzin* also has an adjacent cheese bar and offers the possibility to visit their ripening rooms. Unfortunately we found this cheese parlor on our last second in the area so it was too late for an in-person appointment, but…Gustav says.. – we will be back!


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