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FINALLY – The Wait Comes to an End!

team formaggiastic

Some of you might have followed our Instagram updates and may also have seen some of our interviews with Italian farmers and cheesemakers prior to this year’s event of the
*open days of artisanal cheese dairy farms of Italy*- *CASEIFICI AGRICOLI OPENDAY*

To be honest our Italian doesn´t really exist and not everything went the way we wanted, but in the end we were quiet professionally making a fool of ourselves to support this great and important event, that was created to promote artisanal cheese makers and open new doors for their carefully produced products.

For us the past months were filled with interesting stories of cheese dairies, their work and the landscape in which they live and move in.  We talked about history and territory and got insights on cheese making, breeding, farming, and the daily life of people who dedicate everything to the well being of animals and nature and to the creation of sustainable, healthy and delicious cheeses.

But now, finally – the wait comes to an end!

Tomorrow September 12th and Sunday the 13th the “Caseifici Agricoli – Open Day” takes place!

This year the event, that wasinitiated by the Italian cheesemaker association  *Associazione delle Casare e dei Casari di Azienda Agricola* goes into its 3rd round and 79 artisanal cheesemakers from all over Italy, North to South and East to West will open their doors to the public.

There will be guided tours of stalls and cheese dairy facilities, games for children, tastings, special meals and the owners and staff will be happy to answer all of your questions!









So got to www.caseificiagricoli.it ,
find your farms and run to your horses, bikes and cars to get there in time!
Gustav already jumped into his Caseificio outfit and says – “Be there or be square!!”


By the way – all interviews that #formaggiastic, Eros (#fontegranne), #_lattebianco_, #lozainodeisapori and #caseusetvinum hosted are of course still online @ #caseificiagricoli and whenever you have some time you should definitely zap in!

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