Formaggio in Villa 2024 – let it cheese!
Last Monday ended the 12th edition of *Formaggio in Villa*, which takes place in the entirely (!) walled city center of charming Cittadella, a medieval town just a stone throw away from Padua in Italy´s Veneto region.
4 thrilling days of everything Italian Cheese, *Formaggio in Villa* also offers Salumi, Olive Oil, beer, wine and other Italian delicacies.
Corsu Vecchiu -an ocean breeze from Corsica
Since cold November days started recently and travels and your Christmas break still seem far away, we at formaggiastic today decided to feature some cheeses you should be able to find in most major cities and still have a product full of flavor, quality and fun. – Today’s table companion: * Corsu Vecchiu *
Progetto Forme 2023– a shape for every occasion
Progetto Forme 2023– a shape for every occasion
Last weekend it was finally time for *Progetto Forme* the annual Cheese Festival in Bergamo, Italy.
For 3 days the upper town of Bergamo dresses in the name of cheese with many things to do, see, taste, experience, and listen to.
Toma here, Toma there – Toma, Toma everywhere
When traveling through northern Italy and its mountainous regions of the Piedmont and Aosta Valley one type of cheese that will often cross your path is a “Toma”.
It´s a mountainous pal – pressed, and often made from skimmed or partially skimmed milk – who finds his relatives in the French and Swiss “Tomme” who are lurking on the other side of the mountain peaks.
Lets go hot in Normandy ..OR Wine after beer – all in the clear!
Gustav says nothing pairs better than 35degress and a cheese of barnyard floor quality and strongly advises to get your hands on ‘Le Petit Vinageois’, a French raw-milk delicacy from Normandy.
Cheeeses! What the actual Goat?
Spring is still on the jump and with it are goats and their cheeses!
We @formaggiastic are big fans of fresh as well as aged goat cheeses and over the course of the upcoming weeks will take you on a deep dive into the world of these white beauties.
But before we start with mouth-watering examples, here some basic facts about goats, their milk, and their cheeses.
Stinking Bishop – dogs that bark don´t bite
* Stinking Bishop * – is not, as the name might imply, a rebellious monks invention of the middle ages who created a cheese whose name was to hint on his bishops doubtful fragrance. In fact it is a creation of the 20th century and was brought to life by English artisan cheesemakers Charles Martell &Son Ltd. in 1994.
Schottenkäse – go dutch austrian style!
If you live in Vienna it´s almost mandatory to visit one of the many Christmas markets dotted over the city map. And as Gustav want´s to point out —
“where there is a market there is cheese, hence delicious to discover !”