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Danish Blue – Roqueforts northern ancestor

danish blue

When I think of Denmark, I think of tall, skinny people, maybe eating a Danish version of Gouda and mainly drinking milk  instead of eating cheese (somehow they have to get that tall after all).

Well, no – this is of course my mind made assumption because what Denmark actually does is eating fine Danish cheeses such as Esrom ( a washrind cheese with a long-standing clerical history) or the omni present Samsø ( a pasteurized cow´s milk friend invented to resemble its role model Emmentaler) 

And it must be those cheeses that keep the nation tall and skinny because this Danish evening delight has nothing to do with a cheese for the body-concerned.

danish blue

Danish Blue (Dana Blu), which was first produced in 1927 by Danish Cheese Maker Marius Boel, who seeked to make a cow´s milk cheese similar to Roquefort, comes in a fat and a full fat version and is under PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) status since 2003.

Our Danish Blue affinée has a heavy body that during production got pumped with liquid cream and therefor is nothing for the faint of heart.

It is super creamy, somewhat mild yet prickly and has a slight notion of garlic with a mineral drift. 

dana blu

In absence of Port we paired it with Sherry, but Gustav who rates 12/10 , wants to point out that it is just as good as a stand alone karaoke star.

dana blu

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