


Käse- and Gourmetfest -Lindenberg, Germany

Käse- und Gourmetfest Lindenberg  – a cheesemile going into its 22nd year!

Let´s have fun at the Käse- and Gourmetfest in Lindenberg this year!

It´s a cheese festival that is traditionally opened by the major of Lindenberg,  a little town near the Bodensee – and this year will open its gates on the 25th of August for all of us who want to eat cheese.

It promises to have at least 60 different cheesemongers-  and -makers to make our day.

I have to admit that I haven´t been there – but it definitely sounds like an event to go to!


Festival times might change and events might be canceled.
Always check official sites before booking your trip or heading out the door.
Image Rights: All images used in this event calendar are under copyright of the organizer and or/its maker.


Käse- und Genussmarkt – Schwäbisch Hall/Wackershofen, GER

Käse- und Genussmarkt – Schwäbisch Hall/Wackershofen, Germany

Cheese festivals are dotted around the globe and even in the smallest towns there is a deep love for our friends.

The Käse- und Genussmarkt in Schwäbisch Hall is held in the setting of the Hohenloher outdoor museum and is a guaranteed pamper of at least 200 different kinds of cheeses!


Festival times might change and events might be canceled.
Always check official sites before booking your trip or heading out the door.
Image Rights: All images used in this event calendar are under copyright of the organizer and or/its maker.


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