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Progetto Forme – a shape for every occasion

progetto forme

Progetto Forme 2023– a shape for every occasion

Last weekend it was finally time for *Progetto Forme* the annual Cheese Festival in Bergamo, Italy.
For 3 days the upper town of Bergamo dresses in the name of cheese with many things to do, see, taste, experience, and listen to.

But what is FORME and what differentiates it from other festivals in Italy and beyond?
FORME has its main focus on promoting Italian cheeses, strengthening the bonds between producers, associations and institutions alike, and sending out the message of sustainable products obtained through cultural heritage, animal welfare, and a healthy environment.

Each year the festival shines under a different motto with a different angle on the matter with this year´s illumination on *Forme Cult* featuring discussions and museum- and film-shows on the topic.

progetto forme

What can you expect?

Well, as truth comes first – Be prepared; *Forme* has a lot to offer for everyone.
Whether you are a producer working in the cheese sector or just a cheese geek, there will be plenty for you to take home;
new contacts, impressions, knowledge, or simply some cheese from the market that is set up on Piazza Vecchia surrounded by some of Bergamo´s most important sights: Palazzo Nuovo, Bergamo Cathedral, and Cappella Colleoni with its Tiepolo frescoes.

progetto forme

progetto forme

progetto forme
While the market is rather small it still has enough variety for you to fill up your bags.

While the market is rather small it still has enough variety for you to fill up your bags. progetto forme

Your tummy however you should fill up in one (and definitely more) of the Cheese Labs that take place in upstairs spaces of different restaurants as well as the Sala Civica of the Circolo Città Alta.

progetto forme

The Cheese Labs or Masterclasses in which you get to taste different cheeses (and often wine) are all led by renowned personalities of the Italian cheese scene and/or by the cheesemakers themselves, with this year for the first time also representatives from other countries like France, Great Britain, and Ukraine.

progetto forme

If your body and bags still have space, you can meet and greet for a chiacchierata at the circolo della gastronomia where you can buy products from the Italian cities Alba, Bergamo, and Parma that are part of UNESCO’s Italian cities of creative gastronomy.

progetto forme

When to plan your trip?

The next edition of Progetto Forme will take place in fall 2024, but don´t get tricked by the fact that this seems far away.

Check their website or our event calendar to be on top of dates and times. Bergamo is a lovely and therefore also touristy place and not only cheese lovers will compete for places to stay nearby.

progetto forme progetto forme

Book your Cheese Labs ahead and try to find a timeline that suits your needs. * Progetto Forme * is not a weeklong event and there are so many things to cram into the 3 days that without planning it might easily get overwhelming.

Bprogetto forme ut as Gustav would say–

…who doesn´t want to be overwhelmed by too many events in the name of our lactic friends.




See you in 2024!

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