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pit stop @ the Cheese Board Collective

The Cheese Board

Do you know the feeling when a travel or excursion is proposed to you and the first thought that strikes your head is – “will there be cheese?”
Since my travel in question involved assisting my partner´s move from Berkeley to Vienna, the answer was on the table right away.

I finally got to visit the famous Berkeley Cheese Board!

Many legends circle around the oldest food collective in Northern California and the internet is full of information on how the Cheese Board opened in 1967 as a miniature cheese shop run by Elizabeth and Sahag Avedisian, whose main knowledge on cheese seems to have been how much they loved it.

The Cheese Board
In 1971, just four years after the first steps on business ground and just about the time when also frontier-breaking restaurant Chez Panisse opened its doors around the corner, Elizabeth and Sahag
sold the Cheese Board to their employees, creating Northern California´s first worker-owned and operated cooperative.

cheese shopIf in the beginning there were doubters they for sure now quietly watch in astonishment.
At 1514 Shattuck Avenue, the Cheeseboard Collective offers more than 400 different cheeses from all over the world, many of them coming of course from California and the US.

Cheese Board
during lunchtime things get so crazy- a “bouncer” is needed at the door

If you happen to be in the area or have time for a rewarding detour check out the opening hours and swing by – I guarantee the helpful owners will make sure you leave the store with new knowledge and many new friends in your bag.

at the Cheese Board Collective you can not only buy cheese, but also necessities to make some yourself!
Naturally Gustav could not join us on our short trip to Berkeley, but I managed to smuggle some wonderful cheeses back to Vienna for us to try together…


Humble Fog
•Humboldt Fog•, by Cypress Grove Cheese is made of pasteurized goat´s milk and can almost be called an American classic . Californian by birth ☀️and repeatedly winning prizes and competitions, this mould-rinded guy carries a creamy heart guarded by a running and runny shell and has a characteristic strain of ash striping through his middle. Distinctive tangy flavors play a double with citrus and mould and make you crave for more of this fudgey companion. Needless to say that all of •Humboldt Fog• is edible and nothing should be left out. Gustav rates it 13/10 – says to pair it with a bubbly Rosé 🥂to bring out the citrusy and acidic notes.🍋 I think for once the wolf has the last word.🐺😊


Boon Corner
•Boont Corners•. Made out of a mix of raw goat and sheeps’ milk this delicious Tomme- style Californian doesn’t have to hide behind his famous ancestors from the French Alps. 🐐🐑⛰ Made by Pennyroyal Farm it is one of the first cheeses they produced after using sheep and goats to keep their vinyard in shape.🍷🍾 Gustav rates it 12/10- says •Boont Corners• has wonderful flavors of roasted nuts and vanilla cream and it‘s ivory paste has just the right amount of holes to make for a fluff tasting.🐺


Estero Gold
Estero Gold by Valley Ford Cheese & Creamery might, at first glance, seem too heavy for a light summer breakfast, but Gustav decided that it’s just the right choice. About 7 months old and made out of raw cow’s milk it delivers acidic grassy ¬es on a melted brown butter bed Gustav rates it 12/10, says he stands with Robert Frost and « Nature’s first green is gold » ☀️🧀🐺


Bay Blu
Gustav was very delighted to sniff out the Californian delicacies I managed to smuggle in my suitcase and announced •Bay Blue• to be our evening companion for this hot Viennese night. Luckily I could convince him that interoceanic battles amongst cheeses are no longer a thing and so we could peacefully enjoy this pasteurized cow´s milk beauty.😃 90 days aged •Bay Blue• who seems to mimic the ocean vessels which carved their way into the landscape around Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Company delivers a sweet spice wrapped into a slightly resistant crumbly melt that finishes off in a wonderful salty caramel.🤗 Gustav rates it 12/10 -says he loves how •Bay Blue• flips little blue fudge pearls down his maw. 🐺 I say- I also love how well it goes with my sips of Port. 😊😍☀️🍾




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